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The Balancing Act


At First Sight Studio - Blog

The Balancing Act

Lauren Middleton

There are some weeks when I feel like I am absolutely chasing my tail.  I think of all of the things I need to do and get overwhelmed.  Let me just start with saying that I do not have kids yet so to all of you moms I commend you!  I am sure I sound pretty silly compared to you superwomen!

One of my beautiful babies “Koey”

One of my beautiful babies “Koey”

I currently have two official jobs in addition to pursuing this dream with my artwork and trying to take care of all of my horses.  I have big dreams for them as well!  Until this past year, my main focus was my horses.  They still are, but I have changed my perspective on how to go about achieving my goals with them.  I want to have a little breeding program, small scale compared to most, but I have always enjoyed raising and showing the babies!  I have learned that there needs to be quite a bit of selling involved to keep this going in the right direction, which I admit is difficult for me.  The thought of them being successful and going on to make other’s dreams come true has been a new source of pride, and I love it just as much.  Growing up opens new windows that change our view on life, that is for sure.

 I am rambling a little bit to ultimately say this week has kicked my butt!  Trying to focus on new things for each business while remembering all of the things I need to accomplish to do a good job at everything is difficult.  Whenever I get to that overwhelmed stage I mentioned, I think about how cool it is that I can even do the things that I am doing.  There are many quotes out there that basically mean give yourself a break.  So that is what I try to do. I pat myself on the back and think of how far I have come in all of these aspects and remind myself of the small victories each day. 

Work in progress with Destiny’s One of a Kinds!

Work in progress with Destiny’s One of a Kinds!

All of this being said, this week I collaborated with Destiny Norris and Destiny’s One of a Kinds on some new ideas for my studio, got my horses ready to go to one of my favorite shows of the year, wrote a couple of articles for Cutting Horse Central, and sent out applications for a few new insurance prospects!  Now that I think about it this week did not kick my butt; I kicked its butt! 

I have learned over time this is the best way to look at things. Lord knows I do not always do it right off the bat, but I eventually find my way.  For all of you out there doing a million things at once, you are awesome; continue to be go-getters.  Everything will get done, and your dreams will be achieved.  We got this!!

If you set goals and go after them with all the determination you can muster, your gifts will take you places that will amaze you
— Les Brown